Sunday, March 9, 2008

The Fox Walk

Now this is just fascinating, one of those things that once you come across it, makes a hell of a lot of sense.

“Our walk is devastating, not natural. Little babies have shoes like cement boots. Our feet are ruined from the first step we take in shoes.” Walking barefoot, most of us naturally adopt a very different step: the knees are bent, rather than locked; the outside ball of the foot touches the ground to test it first, before applying any weight; then, if it’s safe, we roll the rest of the ball in and flatten the heel; only then does the weight come down. This is what Tom Brown and his students called “fox walking.”

The author makes pretty big claims for the benefits of walking barefoot: increased health and wellness, thanks both to a more natural posture and a synaesthetic connection to the natural world.

I think I'll try this....

But not at work.

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Where Does Oil Come From?

Ever stop and ask yourself what the experimental evidence is for the fossil fuel theory? I did, a few years back, and so I did the logical thing and did some poking about online. I soon found that the Russians had asked themselves that same question, many decades ago, and they had found the fossil fuel theory to be about as scientific as phlogiston. They developed an abiotic (ie non-biological) theory of oil's origins, one in which oil is produced from naturally occurring chemicals deep in the earth, under high pressures and temperatures, and then carried up to the crust. The vast Russian oil industry is the practical application of the abiotic theory.

We're lied to about so much in this sick society - about everything from JFK to global warming - that it's easy to forget things ... even things as vital as the truth about oil, and about how much we have left:

The good news is that panic scenarios about the world running out of oil anytime soon are wrong. The bad news is that the price of oil is going to continue to rise. Peak Oil is not our problem. Politics is. Big Oil wants to sustain high oil prices. Dick Cheney and friends are all too willing to assist.

The geopolitical consequences of this deliberate deception about the truth of oil? Huge.

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Saturday, March 8, 2008

Benjamin Fulford: The Reason America Was Bankrupted

First posted 06 March 08

Why is America being smashed, and the world changed? That's a question I get a lot.

However in actuality America isn't being smashed; it's just bankrupt for the moment, and this is a chance to change the American state. America has 4% of the world's population, over 20% of it's GDP, and accounts for 50% of the world's military expenditures. That army is controlled by evil powers, powers that no matter what want to provoke WWIII.

If America is temporarily bankrupted, they'll be but in the place of having no choice but to listen to what the rest of the world has to say. In the 20th century the powers that occupy America murdered 200 million people. This is our chance to ensure even more people aren't slaughtered.

On the occasion of America's reorganization following its bankruptcy, we can offer them capital to maintain their crumbling national infrastructure ... and then, that's our chance to organize the UN security council to match the organization of all mankind. The Pentagon can then be organized to counter poverty and environmental destruction.

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Benjamin Fulford: Does America Have Nanotech Weapons?

First posted 07 Mar 08

I was contacted by a personage believed to have a relationship with the CIA, and heard that America has top secret nanotech weapons. He didn't give me anything detailed, but the intention conveyed to me, and my own speculation, is that he wanted this to be passed on to China, essentially to threaten other countries.

I don't think such a weapon could be practically put to use. Most likely this is an attempt, in the midst of national bankruptcy, to strengthen their negotiating power while trying to create a new world order. There should be a concrete discussion, rather than violence.

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Benjamin Fulford: About the Personal Affairs Troubles of the Bank of Japan President

First posted 08 Mar 08

On the underside of the Bank of Japan President problem is a fight over Japan's future.

The fight is between two factions: on the one side there's the Mitsubishi UFJ Bank - whose logo is a a Freemasonic symbol - a faction that wants to hand over Japan's money to shadowy foreign powers; on the other, those that want to use Japan's money to revive Japan.

Somehow or other the likes of Mr M. and Mr W., working for powers that are plotting to murder 4 billion people around the world, have to be stopped. Japan's money should be used to realize a mature world, one where there is no poverty or environmental destruction.

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Monday, March 3, 2008

Benjamin Fulford: Rumors of the Owner of Rolls Royce Naniwa No. 4444

First posted 03 Mar 08

A few days ago after I finished a TV show in Osaka, a black Rolls Royce with Naniwa Number 4444 appeared in front of my taxi, twice. According to an acquaintance's information, this appeared to be the property of the Yamaguchi Gang.

Also last week, when the show was over I head to a coffee shop I always use for business, two guys who looked like they were from an underground organization were sitting diagonally across from me. I could clearly see what looked to be a pistol in the jacket pocket of one of them, so I pretended to have forgotten something and promptly left the shop.

I do not remember, nor do I plan on, ever causing offense to the Yamaguchi Gang. Rather, I've been suggesting to the Japanese government that that Yamaguchi Gang could make ten times as much as they are now by engaging in first class, superior enterprises. If the Yamaguchi Gang wants to kill me, I'd like for them to tell me the reason first. If I agree I'll commit seppuku myself.

If this is a request from shadowy foreign powers to have me slaughtered, I'd like them to think twice. Foreign underworld powers are sucking money out of Japan, impoverishing the country. They're plotting to murder 4 billion people. Japan will lose 70 million people, and the plan for the rest of us is to treat us like livestock. I'd like for those powers to consider the morality of the work they've undertaken.


First Posted 05 Mar 2008

Sorry About the Blog Post the Other Day

The other day I posted "Rumors of the Owner of Rolls Royce Naniwa No. 4444", and then I suddenly removed it. Sorry about that. I decided to pull the post after talking with an authorized individual. The consequence of the talk is that I'm no longer worried my life is being aimed at. I can't say in detail but a settlement was reached through discussion. This is a backroom deal, with no exceptions. For removing the post with no explanation, and causing such a fuss, I offer my deepest apologies.

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Sunday, March 2, 2008

Blog Fiction: Installments 2 and 3 of The Extinction War

Extinction War 1.2: Keep Out and 1.3: Signs and Portents are up. Go check 'em out.

The media was already out in force, a dense swarm of chipped dragonflies buzzing around the battlefield, relaying all they saw to the world’s hundreds of millions of hungry eyes. Doctrine was not to bother fighting them; media swarms could prove troublesome from an operational secrecy standpoint, but the military could devise no better way of gathering information. Before long the swarm would exhaust the site of all immediate interest, and disperse, some fanning out across the jungle in search of whatever they might find, others departing for nearby battles (of which there were several ongoing at any given moment, at this stage in the campaign.) Only a few stragglers, the platoon’s fan-base and self-appointed civilian scout force, would remain.

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Clear Channel vs Napster: What's the Real Reason For the Copyright War?

I remember two formative events, spaced a couple of years apart, that have forever since colored my feelings about music.

The first was when I was 16 or 17, a school-day like any other which started with me getting on the school bus. Now, we had a cool bus driver, who let the kids choose the radio station we listened to as we all got carted off to the local indoctrination facility. There was none of this nonsense about making the kids listen to crappy country and western music, like the heartless sadists that chauffeured some of my friends. Bill was not like them. He was good people.

There was never any question of what we wanted to listen to. This was out in the sticks, and there weren't many radio stations. There was only one, in fact, that played the kind of music that we wanted to hear, a station broadcasting from across the border called Z-Rock that put out a lineup of all the great alternative music out there in the 90s: Nirvana, Marilyn Manson, the Smashing Pumpkins, Nine Inch Nails, Radiohead, Rage Against the Machine, Pearl Jam, Soundgarden, White Zombie, the Stone Temple Pilots; this was the character of the sound track that accompanied us on the way to the lockup.

That fateful day, I got on that bus and found myself listening to Britney Spears. Surely, I felt, this must be some sort of mistake. This saccharine pop was the kind of 'music' that clueless 13 year old girls listened to, not the socially aware hard rock that stirred the hearts of post-pubescent teens. "What the hell is this?" I said. "Change it back to 106.7"

"This is 106.7", the bus driver said, apologetically. "But it's not Z-Rock."

That was my first encounter with Clear Channel Communications, though it was not for years afterwards that I found out it was they who had eaten the only live link I had to new music. Sure, there was still the classic rock station coming down from the north, and they played some good stuff. But it wasn't the same.

Fast-forward a couple of years. Now I'm 19, in university, with a computer, an internet connection, and thus - a couple of months into my first year - Napster. After so long without a ready way of discovering and listening to new music, I jumped like a starved pig into a bathtub filled with lasagna; I damn near filled my hard-drive within a month or two, grabbing every track I could. Napster was like some glorious gift from the internet gods, a way to discover and listen to music without having to either pay for it, or wait for it to be served up to you. It combined everything that was great about radio with everything that was great about a store.

A year later, when it was torn down due to copyright violations, I vented to all around me my towering rage against the short-sighted and petty stupidity of the RIAA. It echoes on to this day ... though I'm no longer sure that stupidity is the whole reason Napster was taken down. Oh, stupidity plays a part, of that there can be no doubt; entrenched interests of every industry have historically been jealous of their perceived rights, and fail to perceive the obvious society-level benefits of new technologies that threaten their small domains. This time around, there is no doubt a great deal of the blame for the past several years of legal battles and bad legislation can be laid at the feet of record company executives caught blinking and unprepared in the harsh headlights of the approaching singularity.

Well, it explains a great deal - enough that out of disgust I've long since vowed never to buy CDs, unless it's at the show and directly from the artist - but it doesn't explain it all the way.

Think on this, those of you who used Napster (a lot, I expect). The crackdown on the network was justified due to the 'theft' of songs by stars like Metallica and Madonna, high-performing market-saturating money whores to the record industry. But how often did you, yourself, bother downloading tracks by them? You likely already owned them, anyways, and even if you didn't all you had to do to hear them was turn on the radio. Songs like that were everywhere. No, I'm willing to bet you used the network to find the long-tail stuff: DJ mix tapes, jam band recordings, grateful dead bootlegs, live recordings of obscure Scandinavian death metal bands doing the sort of heinous things on stage they have become the stuff of terrible eldritch myth. The things you couldn't find anywhere else, save by accessing a network where you could trade music with tens of millions of others. Stuff you couldn't buy if you wanted to, because stores didn't carry it.

Music like that likely accounted for a majority of the traffic on the network. To be honest I don't know for sure, but an informal and very unscientific poll of my friends and acquaintances has so far revealed no one who mostly, or even really at all, searched for big label music. So I don't think monetary losses due to copyright infringement are the whole reason Napster was attacked.

No, it was realized that corporate control over music was threatened, and steps were taken to deal with that threat.

By the time Napster came along, the music industry was dominated by a handful of companies: marketing was handled by MTV and Clear Channel, distribution by the major labels, access to live shows by Ticketmaster. You notice what happened as Clear Channel sewed up the radio market? Suddenly you couldn't hear decent music anywhere. Where once the airwaves had been full of wild rock music and sullen gangsta rap, music that spoke (and often screamed) from the heart about problems in society that cried out for solution ... now, there was the candy-land fantasy of pop music, where no problems were more pressing than being jilted in love or unable to find anything to watch on your expensive big-screen TV. Were we suddenly to believe that the musical tastes of a whole nation had changed as though overnight, that a country full of individualists had suddenly decided they preferred sugary pop tunes to real music?

Well, hell, that's what I thought. That's what almost everyone seemed to think, and joke about in a bitchy sort of way. Funny thing, though. As popular as pop music apparently was, I almost never encountered anyone who liked it. Quite the opposite: most anyone I met, regardless of whether we liked the same music, loathed pop.

So Clear Channel takes over the radio stations, and suddenly it's all pop, all the time. People hate it, but it's what's on the radio or on the TV, so a lot of them grit their teeth and listen to it. The marketing psychology boys no doubt predicted that, with total control over radio and TV, the tastes of an entire nation could be very effectively molded: if all they hear is pop music, then before long they'll be humming it to themselves without realizing it, and eventually deciding they rather like it, and buying it and listening to it all the time. This has other benefits beyond simply profits: if the majority of the population is listening to canned, manufactured music, their mental states can be very effectively manipulated.

Music isn't just a commodity that you buy. It's an art that shapes the subconscious background of your life, exerting a subtle but powerful influence over your mental state. Anyone who loves music knows this, because that power is why you love it. It hijacks your auditory cortex and reprograms your brain, and that can be a lot of fun. Or it can be a powerful tool for altering your consciousness: calming you, consoling you, pumping you up, helping you work things out.

Or, if someone gains total control over the music you listen to, a powerful lever of control. The music, after all, carries a message, one that bypasses reason and speaks directly to the emotions. They - the They that comes with a capital (because They have so much capital) - came very close to gaining control over that weapon. If it hadn't been for Napster (and the fragmented offspring that sprung up in it's shadow), They would have succeeded. They would have convinced an entire nation that the music it liked best - and by extension the mental state they most often occupied - was as superficial as a mannequin, devoid of emotional or intellectual depth, devoted only to the maintenance of a smiling and unthinking optimism. Musical prozac for the depressed national soul; you can't help but wonder whether it'd be as toxic as the real thing.

They've tried anyways, and met with limited success. The labels converted into producing as much pop as they could, and the product was pushed aggressively on the airwaves. Much of the population, rarely venturing beyond the noob sea of the internet that is MSN and Yahoo and AOL, never got the hang of the whole file sharing thing, were admonished that it was illegal and dangerous, and were thus kept as a captive audience to seduce (those who didn't simply turn off the radio altogether and just stick to their CD collections).

Peer-to-peer distribution networks, however, have done much to undermine the corporate control of the musical landscape. Virtually no one under 30 pays much attention at all to what's on the radio. We find new music with MySpace and HypeMachine and Google, and we acquire virtually all of it over file-trading networks. We're barely aware of the soundtrack that's been written for our lives, and as a result we're not marching in neat ranks like we should be. Instead we're dancing in the streets, grinning like fools, and cheerfully flipping them off whenever they glower at us. Frankly, it is both unseemly and unsettling to Them, and so is it any wonder that They will not hear reason on the subject?

The success of file-sharing has been up until now a largely victorious front in the on-going shadow war against Them, undermining a small but significant part of their plan. The damage it inflicts isn't just monetary - though that alone makes it a powerful weapon of resistance - it's also psychological, even spiritual. It attacks Their very reason for being, for it shows that with the internet, we can make Them as unnecessary and irrelevant as They plan to make us.

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This is from Galaxy Dynamics, who have a very cool DVD out with supercomputer animations of galaxy collisions and cosmic evolution set to music. The one below is the formation of a supercluster. Enjoy.

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Benjamin Fulford: I've Got a Newly Published Book For Sale

First posted 02 March 08

On sale next week! A new book by Benjamin Fulford,

The Dismantling of Japan (Seishun Shinsho: Intelligence)

"The widening gulf between rich and poor, the pension problem, and regions left to neglect,"who is weakening this country?

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Saturday, March 1, 2008

Benjaming Fulford: I Think Japan Should Emply Hollywood

First posted 01 March 08

For a long time, a great number of Hollywood screenwriters went on strike. In the end the strike reached an impasse when funds ran out, but as to the true feelings of the screenwriters, I have a feeling they have heretofore sealed stories and information they'd like to share with us.

I think it would be good for Japan to use it's untouched foreign reserves and employ those screenwriters in the work of telling the truth to all mankind. This would lead to an enhancement of Japan's economy, it would also become a development of mankind.

At present 5 percent of Hollywood's budget comes from the Pentagon. Movies are being made that provoke war and murder people. In actuality, most Hollywood movies contain scenes in which guns are used to murder people in the name of justice.

Hollywood is bedridden. However, I expect that Asia's abundant traditional cultures can give birth to as many stories as you want. How about if instead, they protected nature and peace, and gave us movies that reminded us that all humankind lives on the same planet.

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Benjamin Fulford: The Truth of the Livedoor Incident

First posted 28 Feb 2008

I met the former administration of Livedoor. I talked with them, and I believe what came out to be the truth of the situation.

The Yakuza were investing a lot of money in Livedoor, buying various enterprises. One element within the Yakuza had connections with the Illuminati. Their ultimate aim was to purchase the Fuji Sankei Group, with the goal of enabling the brainwashing of the Japanese people. However, through the protection the patriots of the Asian secret society gave to Japan, the threat was driven off. I support that society.

This is pretty interesting if true. Interesting, but not surprising. Livedoor was a huge scandal, kind of like a Japanese Enron, in which a lot of people lost a lot of money. Stock market scams like that are amongst the Them's favorite tactics for undermining a country's economy.

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Friday, February 29, 2008

The Extinction War

I've got a new fiction project, The Extinction War, which I'm putting up for free (naturally). I'll be posting a new part every day or so.

Without giving too much away, it's a coming of age story set in the near future, the tale of a handful of extraordinary youths finding their way in the midst of the last war mankind shall ever fight, a war in which rapidly evolving technologies vie with apocalypse; regardless of which force wins, what emerges when the dust clears will not be human.

Here's a taste:

Steve killed for the first time the day after he joined the army.

There had been no delay for training, or even to be outfitted and shipped off to a far foreign country. That was the beauty of the Telepresence Cavalry: the Pentagon could cherry-pick their recruits from the nation’s top gamers, already as well-trained and combat ready as they’d ever be thanks to years of pretend violence. The robots they’d be riding herd on, meanwhile, were already in the battlespace, packed up tight inside ground effect carriers floating off the coast, just a short flight from deployment.

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Thursday, February 28, 2008

Benjamin Fulford: Ways to Breathe New Life Into Japan

You can send Ben Fulford money by PayPal now. I take it if you email him he'll tell you how to proceed:

Oh, and he's going to be selling his books online.

Now to the news:

First posted 27 Feb 2008

In present-day Japan, with a single group of winners excluded, their are a lot of people whose livelihood is in trouble. The current government doesn't have any ways to help them. However, I don't think helping them is all that difficult of a problem.

Japan, as a nation, lacks an overall goal. If first of all a goal is created, and people are inspired towards that goal, every problem would be settled.

As for one proposal, it would be a good thing for Japan to be the world's top country in every field. Japan's $6 trillion of foreign currency reserves, currently pickling in salt, could be put to use employing capable minds from around the world to find ways of giving Japan it's genki* back.

For instance, I think it would be great to make Japan the number one country in the world for harmony with nature. The Japanese cedars that occupy 5 percent of Japan's soil - and choke the life from the forests - should all be logged and sold as lumber to China. After logging the cedar animals would be able to return to a hospitable natural ecosystem. Then the concrete that buries the rivers of the metropolises could be broken, and those rivers turned into flowing gardens full of fish and small animals.

Up until now, Japan has been sacrificing nature to development. As to the goal of Japan from here on out, if Japan could work as much as possible towards augmenting life on Earth, that would be wonderful. On top of that, it would also be good to aim for a prosperous life.

* Genki is a Japanese word that's hard to translate directly into English. Pep, energy, spirit, vitality, those sorts of meanings to it, but the word's even used in greetings.

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Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Thoughts on A New World Order

We all know that nightmare, right? A One World Government with the world divided up into semi-autonomous economic zones, controlled by a single central bank with single currency for all, with everyone under constant surveillance and ... well, like I said, you all know the nightmare.

So, here's the thing: what if it doesn't have to be a nightmare? Allow me to play devil's advocate (hey, it's what I do).

You know, a single world government is probably inevitable, at some point. Instant communications and high-speed transportation can't help but weave the world more closely together, and that sort of process only leads in one direction. But what if the government that emerged on the other side was a democratic republic, one that gave every citizen a voice and inalienable rights? The dream (well, my dream) would be a parliamentary population, an ongoing global senate in which every citizen is a senator, able to vote not just for people but for treaties, for laws, for regulations. People often sneer at the idea of individual people being given the same say in legislative matters as are elected officials (though not so often as they used to, I've noticed....) The fact is, that if the people could decide the law for themselves, most of the problems that plague society would vanish rapidly.

The War in Iraq? Over, and years ago. Ditto Afghanistan. The War on Terror as well. The War on Drugs would in all likelihood have been history a decade ago, and would certainly be over today. The tax code would be marvelously simplified, as there is no question but that a series of arcane tomes longer than most encyclopedias is universally despised and feared more than any text since the Necronomicon.

Problems of political corruption would be greatly ameliorated as well. Bribing a few congressmen is one thing; bribing the entire population, quite another. Even a bribe that amounted to just a few hundred dollars a head would quickly run into the hundreds of billions. Should any group come to feel that such a bribe is necessary, the bribing would at least have the virtue of being a very public thing, rather than the furtive scrambling that takes place now.

Oh, yes, and one other (and very important) thing: participatory democracy would be very resistant against the psychopathic personality types that currently dominate the legislative houses of the world (not to mention the governments of almost every previous society). Psychopaths are, after all, only 1% of the population, and in a direct democracy they would be greatly outnumbered.

A virtual democracy might seem an impossible dream, but achieving it would be surprisingly easy. All it would take would be a repudiation of the serving government (on the grounds of numerous actions voiding the constitutional contract), and the signing of an alternate constitution that at first will apply to a sort of virtual state. New, virtual laws, existing in parallel to the existing legal structures but not yet in force, are then created in a wiki-congress composed of anyone who signs the contract. As the body of virtual law grows, attention will naturally be drawn to it, at first as a curiosity if nothing else. The evident sanity of the virtual law, in comparison with the rampant contradictions, injustices, and outright abuses of the existing code will become apparent to many, and implicit in that sanity the wisdom of direct democracy will impress itself into the minds that see it.

Now, the great thing about a virtual democracy is the scalability of it, it's almost fractal nature. The challenge to the current system doesn't have to be direct, not at first. Start by applying the philosophy at small scales - neighborhood associations, unions, clubs, and corporations. Think of this as planting seeds in the polity's connective tissue. Once participatory governance has begun to pervade the background of life, a push could be made to bring urban governments under a similar system of governance, in effect chewing giant political holes in the organs of the state. From there, it's a smooth (though possibly more abrupt than expected) progression towards a global democracy that hollows out the pre-existing control grid until the brittle shell finally cracks and what I like to call the demosphere is born.

Until time travel is invented, I won't be able to go back to the Cretaceous and hunt dinosaurs, and none of you will be able to turn back the clock to the constitutional order of 1776. That contract was publicly broken and discarded by the elites back in 2000, and what lip service it's received since has been increasingly strained. Of late, it's grown perfunctory and often downright sarcastic. So, it's gone and done with; best it be laid aside as a memory cherished by all who love freedom, for a memory it has become. Memories can be learned from, but they cannot inspire, for inspiration requires vision ... and a vision that inspires the masses to take their destinies into their own hands might spur change faster than any of us imagine possible.

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Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Benjamin Fulford: Is American Debt Waste Paper?

First Posted 25 Feb 2008

Recently information's been reaching my ears from various places that America might be thinking of declaring Force Majeure.

Regarding it's present debt which has climbed to roughly 1.2 trillion dollars, were it to be announced that it could not be physically repaid, the countries of Asia and the Near and Middle East might be given to understand that they aren't going to get paid.

But if such a reckless thing was done the country will call America would collapse in an instant. The natural thing would be for an international meeting to be held, at which the system in place ever since 1945 would be yanked, and the debt forgiven ... but before that could be done, America would have to make a promise to never again wage aggressive war, and to eternally bend all efforts towards removing poverty, environmental destruction, and war from the Earth. Following that, with the new capital that would enter the country, the Pentagon would have to restructure in order to develop countermeasures against poverty and environmental destruction.

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Benjamin Fulford: Special Discussion at the World Forum Lecture

First posted 25 Feb 2008

The World Forum Lecture to be held on February 29 is to feature Yumi Kikuchi (a Japanese blogger), along with the daughter - and private secretary - of the Democratic Party's Yukihisa Fujita (ed: he's the guy who gave the 9/11 presentation in the Diet). Oh, yes, and I'll be there too.

As Mr. Yukuhisa is on business overseas, his daughter has been entrusted with a message and is coming in his stead. He's planning on letting us know the real intentions behind the questions that raised misgivings about 9/11 in the Diet.

See you there!

Kikuchi Yumi
World Forum Lecture

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Monday, February 25, 2008

Benjamin Fulford: Exposing 9/11 With the Cooperation of European Politicians

First posted 23 Feb 2008

Japan's politicians are gradually beginning to realize the truth about 9/11.

Through Yukuhisa Fujita's presentation in the Diet, recognition of what America did on 9/11 is spreading through other Diet members. From here on the Democratic Party (ed: the Japanese Democratic Party, or Minshuto) would like to advance a cooperative plan: in concert with Europe, to demand of America that those factions that were related to 9/11 are eliminated.

By the way, the Diet members are focusing on the criminals of 9/11, the defense contractors and oil interests. Most of the diligent American military was tricked by the Pentagon, and has no relation to the matter.

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Benjamin Fulford Bleg

Daaaamn! A few days of no internet/not being home so much has me behind a bit. It doesn't help that Fulford's been busier than usual these past few days.

Oh, and by the way, Fulford wrote a long post asking for money. I didn't have the energy to translate it at the time (4 days ago) and I don't feel like translating it now, given as there are six newsy posts to get through. At any rate, if anyone reads this and feels like tossing Fulford a few bucks - gathering information like he does costs money, after all, and most of the books he wrote over the past year were panned by critics and bounced by bookstores (a few not even published), so of he's been tight for cash recently - given all that, if you want to help him out a bit here are the relevant details:

Bank of Tokyo Mitsubishi-UFJ, Koenji Branch
Account Number 0724149

Dude really should get a tip-jar.

update: The readers responded fast....

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Thursday, February 21, 2008

Benjamin Fulford: The Self Defense Force's Careless Manner

Originally Posted 20 Dec 2008

The case of the Aegis cruiser hitting a fishing boat is just a bit too much for a massive lack of common sense. Approaching within 20 km - visible range of Tokyo Bay - in a spot where there are all sorts of small fishing boats, whatever were the watchers doing?

Questions are being asked about what the Self Defense Force itself should be. Due to things like this, there's extreme worry in this time that the organization can protect the country from invasions.

On top of this, it took over 90 minutes - far too slow - for the information about this incident to reach the Prime Minister, raising questions about SDF morals as well. Memories of last year's missile procurement scandal are still new but, in practicality it's not just North Korean missiles, but little fishing boats that can't be stopped.

"Aegis Cruiser Missile Ambush": What's on the Other Side of Reports of Success?

First posted 20 Dec 2007

A few days ago reports came in that a Naval Self Defense Force Aegis cruiser successfully ambushed a missile.

The circumstances would have been completely different if this was, indeed, an experiment. In the case of a test, time and place would have been accurately communicated, and this was not in fact the case.

In the first place America is using North Korea as an accomplice. Taepodongs are being launched in order to palm off some missiles on Japan. It'd be nice to know how much of that one trillion yen [about 10 billion dollars] is bribe money in the pocket of the officials (ed: I'm guessing there. He said sensei-tachi, but I'm pretty sure he's not talking about Ms. Sumiko who teachers 3rd graders.)

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Benjamin Fulford: Questions for Governor Sonomanma Higashi

Originally posted 21 Feb 2008 10:25 pm

Tomorrow I'm going to gather information on Prefectural Governor Sonomanma Higashi, 東国原英夫知事 (ed: Japanese name kanji are at best difficult to translate, due to the radically non-standard pronunciations, so I'm guessing a bit with the name. At any rate, he's the Governor of Miyazaki Prefecture.) A few days ago I received a request from the readers: to place his name on the list of those who are thought to be prominent traitors to the country*. And so, on what points should we consider him to be a traitor? I'd like some concrete things to ask. I'm going to check directly with the man himself.

I'm also taking any questions anyone might have for the Governor.

* The Japanese for this is quite colorful. It translates as 'country-selling slave'.

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Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Vote by Not Voting, And Do It At the Top of Your Lungs

Let's face it: Ron Paul's done his bit. He got in front of the camera, he energized a movement, and he did some educating. And now he's back in Texas licking his wounds, and what did you expect? That the first assault we sent up against the fortress, the forlorn hope we sent charging towards it's front gates in full view of it's cannons and kill-zones, was going to prevail?

This brilliant, bitchy rant by Carolyn Baker over at The People's Voice really brings the current electoral situation into sharp and painful focus. Who's she going to vote for? The same person her cousin is:

"Me vote?" she replied.

"No, not when my only choices are between Satan and the devil."

That about sums it up, no? There really is no point in voting. No matter who who vote for, they're just another employee of the corporatocracy, with no more independence or power to change things than a fry cook at your local McDonalds (and considerably less desire to, to boot.)

There's no use in just a few people sitting at home grumbling about the pointlessness of casting a ballot that will be ignored anyway. Where's the fun in that? No, what's needed is a voter strike, millions of people in the streets loudly and angrily refusing to vote. If the 2008 election is notable primarily for a nationwide protest too big to ignore, against everything the system stands for, everything it has done, is doing and is planning to do, and if along with that voter participation is driven down into the range of 20%, it won't matter who wins. Whatever squats in the Oval Office will not be able to claim a mandate from the voters, not with any sort of seriousness.

It doesn't matter who you vote for, it matters what you vote for; and if you want to vote against the system, the only way to do it is by not voting.

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Benjamin Fulford: The Infowar is an Urgent Subject

First Posted at 19 Feb 2008 11:30 AM
Cross-posted to

At the beginning of the Age of Asia the Infowar is becoming a pressing subject. The world's mass media (particularly that of Japan and the Anglosphere) are insulting Asia with their discharge of bullshit information.

In recent years, real journalists in the Anglosphere have been fired, and what's left over is mostly nothing but people brainwashed by the CIA. That the mass media is under the control of five old men who caused 9/11 is something that the rest of the world has to be informed of, and quickly, so they can be given warning of the crackdown to come.

At the same time in order to support the remaining real journalists, it's necessary to boycott the mass media; this would really get the opposition groaning, and it would focus advertising revenue into the few real real outlets.

Ed: I posted the following as a comment at his site, but this is my blog so I get to include it as part of the main piece here Probably a bit more eloquently than it will appear on his site, too, as I'm writing in my mother tongue here....

It's not just the mass media's news that should be boycotted, it's their entertainment, their movies and their television and even their music. It's a massive revenue stream for them, and taking it away would be a serious kick in the nuts financially. Now I'm not necessarily saying that you have to stop consuming it all together, just stop paying for it. Christ, man, that's what bittorrent's for!

But you know, even if you can get it for free you should stop using it anyways. Most of it contains messages in the story or the lyrics designed to brainwash you, and as the police state begins to clamp down it'll get steadily more dangerous (hell, their files are probably already good enough that if they wished to use it as a pretext, they could round up vast numbers of people for violating copyright.) And anyways, open source software and creative commons licenses are manufacturing more content than can be consumed in any given day, and more and more of it as time goes on. The mass media's entertainments are already unnecessary!

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Monday, February 18, 2008

Benjamin Fulford: The Problem of Asian Regional Conflicts

Original post 13:17 18 Feb 2008
Loosely Translated 03:00 19 Feb 2008
Crossposted to

A lot of the regional wars that splinter Asia are manufactured by Western secret societies. In order to see the birth of a New Asian Age, I'd like to see a lot of these problems resolved.

First of all between North and South Korea, where the plan for unity is to remove Golden Justice Sun (ed: his name was written in kanji, and Korean names have non-standard pronunciations which forced me to dig a bit to find out that this is, apparently, what Kim Jong Il's name means in Korean) from power and dress him up as a symbolic king. As to Taiwan and China, America can't continue protecting Taiwan militarily, so while Taiwan still has power I'd like to see them start negotiations with China. On the Chinese side, powers close to independence could be granted, and experiments with networked democracy could be begun. With Tibet, the Dalai Lama is a powerful symbol of peace; a conversation with him is necessary in order to take that symbol back and really get along well.

There's also the problem of Japan's northern territories, eternally contested with Russia; it would be good, I think, if a Japanese-Russian free trade zone or casino were to be established, a position for trade and pleasure.

At any rate if the various regional conflicts can be resolved, Asia will be a more unified place.

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Sunday, February 17, 2008

The American Autogenocide and the Depopulation of the World

Most bloggers throw out their thoughts in short, rapid-fire bursts, with posts that are a few sentences or a few paragraphs long. Which makes sense, because the attention of your bog-standard web-surfer begins to wander after their brain's processed the first few phonemes. This doesn't allow much space for complex thought inside a single post, so bloggers who want to communicate something more nuanced usually rely on lots of short posts that, over time, will give the reader who keeps coming back for more a clear idea of what the blogger wants to say.

Someone evidently failed to get the message out to Martha Rose Crow, who in her own words is

a feminist, socialist, poet and writer living in the Netherlands. A social economist and cultural scientist, she holds four university degrees in Marketing, Management, Communication and Information Media (master’s degree).

In addition to the above impressive resume, Ms. Crow maintains (to use the term loosely) a blog by the title of American Autogenocide. There are precisely two posts at American Autogenocide, but each of those posts is very, very long; just reading the first 'The Nine Stages of American Autogenocide' (I haven't had the energy for the second, 'De-Population of the World Is Real') took me about an hour, an eternity in web-time. The very fact that I actually bothered to spend that hour tells you that this might be worth your time to read, though.

Crow details a process of silent - and, she feels, deliberate - extermination of America's poor and disenfranchised minorities; essentially, genocide not with gas chambers and mass graves, but with mass poverty and destructive social programs, designed with the purpose of thinning out the herd so there will be fewer 'useless eaters' around (useless because the dumb labor, all the elite feels them to be good for, is all being automated away.)

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Benjamin Fulford: Project Camelot

Originally posted 16 Feb 2008
Loosely translated from the original Japanese 17 Feb 2008
Crossposted to

The other day I was visited by a couple who came all the way from America to meet me. They were there to interview me for Project Camelot, a peace activism group.

They also claimed to messengers from the secret government. I talked about the problem of suppressed energy technologies, how clean energy technologies have already allowed the construction of bases on the moon (ed: that might be a mistranslation), and then started discussing matters related to space. If we've got that much money, then we should already have dealt with the world's problems, one way or another. When people are starving to death, that's no time to be thinking about space.

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Benjamin Fulford: For the Arrival of the Age of Peace

Loosely translated from the original Japanese 17 Feb 2008
Crossposted to

According to the New York Times, the Pentagon has changed its fundamental strategy. From now on, it appears that they're putting increased importance on soft power, using their power for such things as economic support and nation building. Maybe they've finally figured out that the world's problems will never be solved by the old ways.

The Pentagon's also created a new African headquarters. It looks like China is probably going to start aiding Africa as well; the sense of an impending crisis is shared by all, it seems.

Meanwhile China's created a new Energy Ministry. I'd like to think that this means they're throwing their weight behind the effort to create an economy that doesn't need oil. The Japanese government has also been irresponsibly neglectful when it comes to hydrogen energy, magnets (ed: closest I could come, not sure what he's talking about there) and other such energy technologies that have been sealed away; all of these should be opened up. It's crazy to seal the development of mankind for the purpose of preserving political power and influence.

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Thursday, February 14, 2008

Chomsky: An Agent of the CIA?

It's hard to know what to believe sometimes. Not too long ago I read an article that raised the question of whether or not Timothy Leary was a CIA agent (when I say 'raised the question', I'm not being facetious: the author himself wasn't sure what to believe, and the result is an article that really makes you think. Definitely recommended.)

And now, through a link posted by a friend on the Infowars SNS, comes this damning denunciation of Noam Chomsky: Controlled Asset of the New World Order.

Now, accusations like this fly at almost everyone. Even Ron Paul and Alex Jones have been accused of being part of the New World Order, though the evidence is usually pretty shaky, based more on paranoia than on any solid factual basis. It's inevitable, in a world where secret societies - intelligence agencies, crime syndicates, fraternal brotherhoods, and other sub-species - wield so much behind-the-scenes power. In the end, though, the only test that can be relied upon is an evaluation of actions and words, and Chomsky fails that test. From the article:

Since 9-11, he has steadfastly refused to discuss the evidence of government complicity and prior knowledge. Furthermore he claims that the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR), Bilderberg Committee, and Trilateral Commission are "nothing organizations." When critiquing poverty, he never mentions the Federal Reserve and their role in manipulating the cycle of debt.

Similarly, he claims the CIA was never a rogue organization and is an innocent scapegoat; that JFK was killed by the lone assassin Lee Harvey Oswald; that the obvious vote fraud in 2004 did not occur; and that peak oil is real and good for humanity.

What he does advocate is population control, gun control, support for U.N.E.S.C.O., and the end of national sovereignty in favor of a one-world government under the UN. In other words, the major goals of the New World Order.

Chomsky's role in propaganda paradigm is much like that of Karl Marx: to present a false liberation ideology which actually supports the desired solutions of the elite. Marx pointed out the inequalities and brutality of capitalism and then advocated a one world bank, army, and government with the abolition of private property and religion; in other words, the major goals known of the New World Order.

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Leveraging Social Networks for Liberation

Alex Jones is one smart cookie. The man understands the internet better than a good number of journalists; just witness the way he gives away all (that's all, as in all 18) of his movies away for free on google video, and winks at copies being traded over bittorrent. He knows the corporate media will never, ever promote his work, because every person who encounters it is smacked awake like a hungover frat boy who's sleeping in on an exam day. Sure, he sells his wares through his various websites, but once again he understands that what you're really paying for isn't the information per se, it's the quality with which it's presented and the speed with which it's available.

And now, he's launched a new website that's built along social networks, It's got all the bells and whistles, with groups and friends lists and blogs and messaging, a veritable petri dish for the revolution. Go on over, sign yourself up, and stop just reading shit and pounding at your keyboard with tears of frustration stinging your eyes: put that anger to use and get involved! I'm already there, of course (taking my own advice, naturally) and I'll be cross-posting much (not all, but a lot) of what I post here at my new infowars blog.

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Benjamin Fulford: Open the Door on Sealed Alternative Energy

14 Feb 2008

The other day I was talking with a researcher who works with solar batteries. When I asked him why it was that solar batteries weren't more widely distributed, the reason he gave me was, "Because silicon's expensive." But the raw material for silicon is nothing but sand! However you think of it, pressure is being applied to pull the competition down.

The steep jump in the price of oil, a monopolized energy source, isn't going to stop. This year the price finally exceeded USD100/bl. Compared to the USD10/bl basis of just ten years ago, the price has jumped up by a factor of ten.

If the oil industry isn't made, one way or another to give some concession, the advancement of mankind is bound to slow down.

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Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Benjamin Fulford, 13 Feb 2008

On the American Presidential Election

There's a massive difference between public opinion polls and the results of the presidential primaries. American democracy has been mutilated by electronic voting machines.

At the same time in California, in whichever district you look at the Republican candidates are exactly the same. In farming districts as well as wealthy areas, in districts dominated by completely different racial groups, the results have been too unnatural to believe.

If electronic voting machines are introduced to Japan as well, it'll lead to a bad, dangerous situation.

In America it looks like the battling candidates are following a script that's been written for them. And something unusual seems to have happened to Ron Paul, the candidate who received such tremendous support from the internet. Up until recently he was persistently claiming, "We need a new investigation into 9/11," however, recently he abruptly began to declare on television that "I don't think the government caused 9/11." This change in his speech is extremely unnatural, so much so that it looks like nothing so much as that he's being made to say this. He's also more or less pulled out of the race. He's probably either had under serious pressure or threat, nothing else really makes sense.

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100th Post

What a long strange trip it's been. I've been blogging for years now, in fits and starts ... you can see links to everything I've ever written in the sidebar, and man, have I ever come a long way, mentally. Almost every opinion I've ever held has changed, drastically, especially over the past few months. People who know me well have been nothing less than shocked by the transformation that's taken place inside my head.

I don't really know why I keep coming back to it. For the most part it's toiling in obscurity ... but I've never really written anything with the explicit aim of being read. Even when I was a kid, I had the writing bug. I used to spend hours, every day, writing science fiction stories on the family computer, and with no internet the only people who read them were my parents (who were generally baffled by them), my teachers (when I wrote the stories for English class, and they were likewise baffled), and sometimes my friends (who liked them, but then I only showed them the good ones.) At any rate, I suppose being read by a few people a day is better than being read by none.

I've been writing for years, off and on, and I expect I'll be writing for years to come. I'll probably be writing when I'm on my deathbed. And maybe by then I'll have figured out why I do it....

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Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Benjamin Fulford, 12 Feb 2008

Guide to the New World Order

British Prime Minister Gordon Brown has hastily offered support to the idea of Japan, India, Brazil and Africa becoming standing members of the UN Security Council.

[Once again I'm giving a different link from what was in the original post. Fulford linked to this article at the Mainichi Shinbun, which is of course in Japanese.]

Now why is it that only now is this offer, postponed for 6 decades, being made?

As expected, Westerners cannot help but accept that their exclusive control of the world has come to an end. And maybe there's just a little impatience as well, due to the collapse of the American dollar.

I've got a different plan. I think it would be best to divide the world into seven regions. 1) China, 2) Japan, Korea, Southeast Asia, Australia, etc 3) India, 4) the Islamic World, 5) Europe, 6) Africa, and 7) North and South America.

These seven regions would have the right to veto within their own regions, decided by majority. If there are any problems they can be decided in the International Court. Also, a single central bank for all seven regions would be established. If this were done various global problems could be deftly addressed.

At any rate, due to the collapsing dollar, and the rise of the Age of Asia, the way the world moves is changing.

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Sunday, February 10, 2008

Benjamin Fulford, 11 Feb 2008

G7 Draws to a Close, and It's All Complete Nonsense

The Tokyo G7 conference a few days ago regarding the global economy was, I think, complete nonsense.

In the first place, without China or Russia participating, it just doesn't have the clout it used to. The functionality of the G7 structure itself is impaired.

If the G7 is the 'place to discuss real intentions', their talk should be more pragmatic. For instance, "The reason the country called 'America' is collapsing is because the should have saved and exported more", or "A substitute for oil should be quickly liberalized."

Also, "The American dollar's function as the reserve currency is dying", is something I'd also like them to accept. A unified world currency is necessary. However, how that currency is made is important, as is ensuring that it's distribution is open and transparent. The currency system we have now, through which powerful people manage the world in secrecy, is a cancer upon the Earth.

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Saturday, February 9, 2008

Benjamin Fulford, 09 Feb 2008

What the Hell Are the Americans Scheming, Cutting Those Undersea Cables?

The news is saying that nine undersea internet cables [ed: link added by me, not part of the original post] have been cut in the area of Asia and the Near and Middle East.

The official explanation is that a ship's anchor is the source of the problem, but with nine cables in separate places being cut almost simultaneously, it's strange now matter how you think of it.

I've got to say this looks like the American's are scheming to do something, don't you think? Iran is going to be opening up an oil bourse selling in non-US dollars pretty soon, which Saudi Arabia might use too, and maybe there's a relationship with this.

With the American dollar losing it's status as the world's pivotal currency, a cornered America is playing a childish prank. This is the kind of thing countries occupied by the criminal American organization understand all too well.

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The Damaged Cables

Cryptogon generously provides us with this map of the five damaged cables.

Yep, definitely done by an anchor. No question.

Oh, and apropos of nothing, I've got some farmland on Baffin Island for you, if you're interested.

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Snowing in Tokyo

It is now snowing for the 4th time in the last two weeks, and man is it ever coming down. This is not normal weather for Tokyo, not at this time of year.

The next time someone mentions 'global warming' to me, I may punch them.

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Friday, February 8, 2008


As someone who smokes more than is good for him - and enjoys the filthy habit more or less unapologetically - please permit me a moment of malicious retributive glee.

Restaurants in Mississippi may start banning fat people.

After enduring the smoking ban, that forced me out into the cold in order to have a smoke - a ban enforced by overzealous health fascists who even banned tarp-covered, gas-lamp-heated patios as being 'indoor' areas (de facto smoking areas that anyone from Toronto will dimly recall sprouting like mushrooms in the winter following the smoking ban, only to be culled by control freak health inspectors enraged that the spirit of the law was being skillfully evaded) - along with the po-faced hand-waving of non-smokers whenever they had the misfortune to walk by me on the street ... well, let me just say this:

I have for some time been of the opinion that if you don't want to pay for my emphysema? Hell, that's cool. I don't want to pay for your adult-onset diabetes. Moreover, if my smoke offends your sensitive nostrils, well, lard-bottom, your cellulite offends my delicate eyes, and there's no inherent reason why your aesthetics should prevail over mine. And as we're seeing, the health nazis seem to agree.

Not so great now that they're are after you, now is it? Worse, really. All I have to endure is an hour or so of mild discomfort and accompanying irritability, between parking my ass at the table and stepping out for a smoke. You won't even be allowed to eat in public. Enjoy your smoke-free TV dinners, butterball; I know I'll enjoy not having to look at your fat ass (I could not look, true, but let's face it: not looking is as hard as pulling one's eyes away from a train wreck.)

Oh, I know shouldn't gloat. What's being done to you fatasses is no more ethical than what's been done to us smokers. In truth, I'd much rather we could live and let live, but in the meantime, I really just can't help but laugh at your ass. Because you know what's more embarrassing than lighting up and being told that it's a no-smoking zone? Walking into the Denny's with your wife and kids, and having the manager step forward with an apologetic look on his face and a tape measure in his hand.

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Benjamin Fulford, 07 Feb 2008

Akiro Ootani's Goodbye Party

At the end of last year the famous media producer Akiro Ootani died; recently, I attended his goodbye party.

He was responsible for many famous TV shows, and after retirement he made various plays about the Meiji Restoration in order to encourage politicians. The actors concentrated on members of the Liberal Democratic Party, and every time I was given a role, too.

Right up until the last moment he used every bit of his life force and his money for the sake of all.

They're saying the cause of death was suicide, but numerous riddles remain.

People like him, who devote themselves to their fellow man, are, I think, treasures of all mankind.

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Wednesday, February 6, 2008

British Army Training the Taliban

Good god. The British were planning to build a training camp for the Taliban. You'll have to scroll down a bit ... for some silly reason the top of the page is crowded with links.

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And Then There Were Five....

I won't add to the growing storm of speculation over what, exactly, is going on with those undersea cables, or why they're being cut. I'll just say this: five cables makes it pretty goddamn obvious that this is intentional.

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Smoking Mirrors

I usually link to individual posts, but ever once in a while I find someone so outstanding that I just have to say, go read everything you can. This guy (or gal, but the authorial voice is very male) writes like an righteously enraged Kung Fu master of the English language, a blind swordsman who's drifted into a corrupt town, had a look around, and is now taking names and kicking ass out of pure disgust with the gangsters who control the weak, frightened, and pathetic creatures that scurry out of the way every time the capo and his goons go on their rounds.

I present to you Les Visibles, the nom de guerre of the mind behind Smoking Mirrors.

Now git over there. Nothing I write here can be half so interesting.

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Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Benjamin Fulford, 05 Feb 2008

Is America Going to Attack Japan with an Earthquake Weapon?

According to information from the Inagawa Gang's leadership [ed: that's a massive gang operating in Tokyo, with a membership of 5100. Link to Wikipedia page.], America is threatening to hit Kanagawa with an earthquake around the end of the month. After that, in March or April, it seems they're saying the attack will escalate to hit Chiba and other areas around Tokyo.

In the event that this is carried out, although I've urged restraint up until now, I'll call upon the Asian secret society to execute their plan to assassinate members of the Illuminati.

Somehow, for the sake of everyone on Earth, the murderer's in the American military must be stopped as soon as possible.

Earthquake weapons might sound a little crazy, but there have been rumors of something called a scalar weapon, originally developed by Nikola Tesla, which can trigger seismic activity. A search turns up lots of interesting links.

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Fractal Africa

Wow. I really should keep up with those TEDtalks videos.

This one is just fascinating: Ron Eglash, an 'ethno-mathematician', spent a year traveling Africa, where he discovered that almost every African village is constructed, quite consciously, according to precise fractal algorithms, repeating all the way from the village as a whole down to the arrangement of pots in a room. And it's not just their villages: their art and even their divination practices use fractal patterning.

I remember when I was in uni, I was arguing with one of the foreign development kids, and insisting that Africa (well, sub-Saharan Africa) never had a 'civilization', exactly. I was really just trying to push her buttons, but man, what a thick-skulled idiot I can be.

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The Funky Guerrilla War Being Fought By Paris' Army of Hard Truth Soldiers

Anyone who knows anything about me knows I've never been much into hiphop. Oh, it's not that I dislike it - maturity has brought me a long way from my teenage hatred of anything that wasn't played on electric guitars - it's just that I never really got into it. White boys listening to hiphop always struck me as kind of silly, especially when they got right into it and started dressing up like gangstas and tryin' to front like they was from the hood, know wha' I'm sayin'? Metal, punk, trance, drum 'n' bass ... things like that have always been more to my taste. The closest I ever got to rap was Rage Against the Machine.

I could respect hiphop though, at least the older stuff, Public Enemy and Tupac and Biggy; the world play is right up there with Tennyson and Walt Whitman, and you could tell, when you listened to it, that it was real, music that came straight from the heart. The more modern stuff, the kind that came to dominate over the past ten years or so, is an emaciated shadow of what was being made in the 90s, real artists replaced by interchangeable pod people rapping hollowly about getting high, getting rich and fucking ... soulless muzak, corrupted by money and subverted to serve corporate interests. I could see that even without being much of a fan of the form; the same thing happened to every genre since the first vinyl record was printed, in a cycle that's grown as familiar and predictable as the passage of the seasons: raw and fresh from the streets and the clubs, a bloom in popularity, maturity, and a dwindling into artistic irrelevance as the profit motive sucks out the soul of the movement and leaves nothing but the empty shell of appearance and recycled melodies.

Well, that could be changing that's changed. A few days ago I was listening to the Alex Jones show and he played What Would You Do by Paris, of Guerilla Funk. Now this guy is hardly a newcomer - he's been making records since '91 - but if guessing you've probably never heard of him. It's not because he's untalented; it's because he refused to sell his soul to a label, trading truth for money. As you might guess from his presence on the Alex Jones show, this guy understands the New World Order, and for well over a decade now he's been using his talent to fight it the only way it can be fought, by bringing truth to the people.

9/11 reinvigorated him and has him, in his own words, "Spittin' cyanide from each and every verse." And not just him; he's got a whole crew now, on his Guerilla Funk label, mostly new faces (well, so far as I can tell), but counting in their ranks Public Enemy. More soldiers in the information insurgency, a movement that's burgeoning now, beginning to take on the look of something truly historical, truly momentous. Musicians, artists, writers, bloggers, academics, political activists, youtubers ... the rVOLution is boiling up from every node of the world's wide Web, and it cannot be stopped any more than a volcano can be plugged or an earthquake stilled.

So do yourself a favor. Go to the Pirate Bay and download yourself the Guerilla Funk collection. If you like it, buy the CD. Even if you don't, give it a listen. It's some inspiring shit.

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Monday, February 4, 2008

Mass March in Bogota

This is a mass march in Bogota, organized using facebook and other social networking tools.

I have no idea why specifically they were marching, but this is the kind of thing that brings a nasty smile to my face.

The internet hates tyranny. I hope this picture gives the pathocracy nightmares.

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Benjamin Fulford, 04 Feb 2008

You've probably never heard of this guy, right? Here's the Cole's Notes: dude's been living in Japan since the early 80s, long enough that he speaks the language like a native. For the last half of the 90s he capitalized that by becoming the national bureau chief for Forbes magazine, a position he left when he was told he couldn't publish a story connecting government corruption to the yakuza. He continued pursuing the story on his own, eventually getting enough material for a book, and then - just before he could publish it - was clued in to what was really going on by a member of the Japanese Imperial family. The story expands in scope when, in the aftermath of confronting the former Japanese finance minister over his selling out of the Japanese banking system to the Rockefellers, he's contacted by someone who claims to be a ninja (!!!) and offered either a) a position in the New World Order or b) death. Right on the heels of that, he's contacted by a representative of a Chinese secret society that dates back to the Mongol invasion, who offers him their protection if he agrees to act as their go-between, ambassador as it were between the amusingly misnamed New World Order of the West and the Newer World Order of the East. This secret society, a sort of more-ethical Eastern counterpart to the Illuminati, had a fire lit under their pants after SARS, which they interpreted as either a test run, or a failed deployment of, an ethnic-specific bioweapon. Okay, so it's a pretty incredible story, yeah. But you know, the guy got an interview with David Rockefeller not too long ago, and he doesn't hand those out like candy. If you're interested in the rest of the story, everything else you want to know (or, well, can know) is archived here. All of this serves as a preview to a project I'm going to try and hold myself to for, well, as long as I can: English translations of Fulford's blog posts (which are in Japanese). I do this with no permission, so I hope he doesn't mind (and if I translate anything wrong, well, please, correct me in the comments. I'm not proud). Anyhow, here goes nothing:

About Those Chinese Gyoza

Those Chinese gyoza are probably the CIA's underhanded dealings.

One thing the West fears above all else is Japan and China becoming good buddies. In this case the use of agricultural chemicals at the Chinese gyoza factory can't be confirmed. It's clear that in order to worsen Sino-Japanese relations, there was some dirty business involving overseas authorities.

Now, of course there are some questions of hygiene management on the Chinese side, but the way this is being covered on TV is overt propaganda. In practice there are all sorts of pretty serious problems with American agricultural products too - agricultural chemicals, BSE, etc - but the coverage in the mass media is completely different.

Also, there's been information that there's been an extremely high number of chemtrails in Southern Japan, and this is probably related to weather modifications aimed at China that have been partly responsible for the heavy snowfall there. That's a just a guess, but I can't help but make it.

The American and European secret societies are getting desperate to obstruct Asia's rise, set to begin on the 8th of August.

On the Governer of Tougoku

He's definitely an individualistic guy, and it looks like he's got a variety of things in his past, but he's not your normal politician who's been brainwashed by his educational background. He thinks things through using common sense. Hence he seems to lack common sense, by the standards of the current organization.

Present day Japan is divided into Tokyo and everywhere else. It angers the rest of the country when Tokyo is given too much attention. Giving some thought to the rest of the country, the economic foundations of Japan should be fundamentally changed.

I've met a lot of politicians in the course of my data gathering, and this guy feels different.

On the Composite Photograph from the Skies of Okinawa

Thanks for all that information rushing in at once, after I posted on that strange photograph from Okinawa the other day!

The picture was sent to me from a politician, and as soon as I saw it I saw right through it, figuring it was probably a fake, but I decided to get your opinions. What I mean is, I wanted to see the Net's 'photo investigation power' at work. Everyone pooled their resources, and the photo was immediately revealed for the utter bullshit it was. Actually it wasn't from Okinawa or recent, just bullshit. Sorry for the confusion. Nevertheless and meeting my expectations, not one of you took it for the 'Hand of God'.

From now on I will of course be very careful in verifying the source and credibility of any information I receive, but whenever I get anything wrong please correct me immediately. At that time I want to pass along the most accurate information I can, so I'll be using this method.

The picture he's talking about is this one:

I think it looks rather like God giving mankind a goatse.

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Life After People

I don't have a TV, and haven't for several months now. To be honest, it's not something I miss: most of what's on is crap, and on the odd occasion when there's something I actually want to watch, well, that's what bittorrent is for, right?

So a couple of days ago I downloaded the History Channel's 'Life After People', and last night, with some time to kill after work, I watched it. It left me with a bad taste in my mouth, the kind you get after you click one of those 'don't click these link' posts that leads to Tub Girl getting shat on by Goatse.

It starts out by magicking six and a half billion people off the planet. What happened to us is not explained; everyone just sort of disappears. Who knows, maybe we all transcended into hyperdimensional demigods, maybe Jesus decided we were all born-agains at heart and raptured us all up to the Kingdom of Heaven, maybe everyone just underwent spontaneous combustion. In the real world, of course, something more mundane would cause our mass disappearance, like cometary bombardment, nuclear armageddon, or the ultimate war plague.

Everything that follows in the History Channel's sick little giga-snuff flick is irredeemably tainted by this sweeping of the mass extinction of mankind under the rug. If the extinction was due to a nuclear spasm, then the every urban environment would be well fried, making the subsequent hour and a half of lovingly detailed exposition on the gradual decay of man-made structures somewhat pointless, as those structures would be, for the most part, gone at the same time we are.

If the species succumbed to biowarfare, the faults aren't quite so egregious, but one part - fairly early on - sticks out, in which the fate of mankind's pets is discussed (again, if it's nuclear war, the pets, like the buildings, are gone along with us.) It's mentioned that the dogs would have to scrounge for food in the city, though what, exactly, it is that they'll be eating is left unsaid. Well, to start with at least, the answer to that is obvious: they'll be eating human cadavers.

Most of the movie, like I said, comes down to an extended meditation on the decay of our buildings, our bridges, our monuments, and our cities, as the elements and the biosphere conspire over centuries to swallow everything every built by humans. The main point seems to be that nothing is permanent, and that should we disappear, every trace of our presence on this planet would be utterly erased in a geological eyeblink even shorter than the one that we called written history (except for Mount Rushmore, which David Brin points out may well last hundreds of thousands of years, carved as it is into solid granite. Then again, hundreds of thousands of years is still pretty short measured against billennia....) You might think that's rather obvious - ashes to ashes, and all that - but the producers didn't seem to think so. Indeed, the documentary seemed to positively exult in the way that nature would reclaim our cities.

One creepy moment near the end really sticks with me. One of the contributors, a cadaverous white-haired geriatric with the bright eyes of a mad scientist, his hands fluttering about like some sort of overstimulated British poof, enthusing about his vision of vines creeping over the Manhattan's skyscrapers as the forest eats the city. After that I had to ask, was this just a documentary? Or was it really extinctionist propaganda?

Hell, don't take my word for it. You've got an internet connection, and too much time on your hands (or you wouldn't be reading this). Watch it yourself.

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Saturday, January 5, 2008


About a week ago John Robb at Global Guerillas posted a truly frightening little essay called Privatopia, in which he considers what the US might look like under a fully privatized, corporate regime. Robb's not known for his optimism, and he's true to form here: the vision he presents is one in which the entire US government (along with every government around the world) has been sold off at fire-sale prices to multinational corporate interests, with what's left behind mainly functioning to service the national debt. At one point, he mentions that the privatization is popularly but 'incorrectly' termed "The Great Theft".

He goes on to paint a picture in which most of the country is continuously paralyzed by riots and civil disobedience, controlled by a mixture of surveillance technology and mercenary security forces meting out summary justice to criminals (empowered to do so by automated court systems that give their verdicts in seconds, based on evidence collected from the surveillance network.)

There was a time, not so long ago, when I would've positively lusted for a future like this: grim, dangerous, gritty, straight out of the cyberpunk novels I feasted on as a teenager. Now, older and, if not wiser, at least more jaded, the prospect of the future John Robb sees is just deeply, viscerally terrifying. Give it a read, though, because he shows exactly what the New World Order has in store for all of us.

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Thursday, January 3, 2008

Ron Paul's Bright Future As a Martyr

Assassinating Ron Paul would be a really bad idea.

I can see why the elites might find the idea attractive, and - according to Daniel Estulin - are giving it serious consideration. The man wants to dismantle the IRS and the Federal Reserve, the two main pillars of banker control in the US. Loosing those bonds would remove America from New World Order influence as effectively as Ghandi freed India from the British. Beyond that, he'd pull the US back from it's pointless wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, which would effectively defuse the Third World War they'd been planning in order to consolidate their control over the globe. Ron Paul in the Oval Office would be an unmitigated disaster for their interests ... one from which they might never recover, given various trajectories in technology and the economic and social trends that are being driven by those developing technologies.

But you know what? As bad as Ron Paul might be for them, his assassination would be worse. Over the past several months, a networked political movement has grown around Paul as though a seed crystal were dropped in a prepared solution. The network's composed of an incredible diversity of groups, splinter movements and fringe elements and perhaps most strikingly, a generous helping of previously apathetic non-voting independents, people who have nothing in common save a disgust with traditional politics and entrenched policies. What they want isn't Ron Paul, it's to decisively squelch the fascist puppet government being put in place, before it's too late. Ron Paul is only a focal point for this movement because he's the only politician who wants to do this.

So let's say they go ahead and give the green light, and by bullet, bomb, or 'accident' Paul is shuffled off the political stage. Well, the movement would be thrown into chaos immediately after. But that movement is a creature of the internet, a social network that can coalesce around anything, be it a political candidate or an ideological martyr ... and can do so with blinding speed.

Paul is a great man. That someone as apparently morally pure and benevolent can even exist in this sad and twisted age is an astounding thing, one that is hard to believe until one looks, and sees, a man who is as without sin as any saint of old. Men like Paul are as rare as Ghandi. Alive, he would be a competent administrator and a popular reformer, one who would go down in the history books as one of the greatest presidents the American republic has ever enjoyed. Dead, and the social network that's chosen him as an anchoring point might turn him into a figure of religious adoration. The freedom movement would then become a religion, one as toxic to the roots of the global order as Christianity was to the Roman Empire.

Can they look that far ahead? I suspect they can, for I can, and I'm but one man. That killing Paul would turn him into a martyr is surely a possibility that has occurred to them, and with any luck the risk of that happening is enough to stay their hand. But you know? I don't think it will be. I have very little confidence that Paul will ever sit in the Oval Office; as he approaches the goal, as the movement around him swells, so will panic at the top spread. They will only be able to take so much before the pressure grows intolerable, and, not knowing what to do, they have Paul killed.

That might buy them a year or three, but in the long run it will seal their fates more permanently than a Paul presidency ever could.

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Tuesday, January 1, 2008

A WikiConstitution

Ah, a long silence there. This time I have a good excuse, though: I was wandering about in Cambodia for a week.

So, I've been thinking more about the idea of applying a wiki spirit to the creation of law. This is unlikely to happen soon, not down at the level of criminal law or anything else directly enforceable. But that doesn't mean the electorate of the planet can't start to get some practice in, and starting right now. What I'm thinking of is an open project to enumerate a sort of meta-constitution, a document that could be used as a model for constitutions all over the planet.

Now, the probability of some form of world government coming about sometime in the next century, and sooner rather than later, is hard to ignore. Multinational corporations, NGOs, and the UN have almost completed their coalescence into a meta-government of which nation-states are reduced to the status of less-than-sovereign duchies. This need not be a bad thing, and indeed is historically inevitable one way or another: once civilization started happening, the tendency was for larger and larger regions synergetic regions (cities, states, kingdoms and empires) to assert themselves. To predict that eventually one would rise to encompass the entire world is a very straightforward extrapolation of the historical record.

Of course, the first form of global government is likely to be a very bad thing indeed. The thing that is currently emerging is fascist, exploitative, wildly unequal and undemocratic, more like the Assyrian Empire than the United States of America that it will be superseding. It will be as disastrous for America as it is for everyone else subjected to it.

But it needn't stay that way. One possibility is that the internal contradictions of the first global empire will cause it to fall; if the fall is not too bad (economic collapse, rather than a nuclear spasm) something new, and hopefully better, might rise to replace it. Another possibility is that the citizens will reformat it themselves, demanding the imposition of true global democracy to accompany global corporations, global armies, and global bureaucracies.

A global democracy - a demosphere - would need a constitution, or at least a meta-constitution, something that would provide a limiting framework for the sorts of constitutions member-states are allowed to form. Something to enumerate the rights - and the duties - of people and organizations everywhere on the planet. And who better to write that meta-constitution than the people who will live under it? Throw open the doors for a year, a decade, or better yet, forever; allow anyone who wants to add or edit any passage they wish, with the officially adopted portion being that which consists of passages receiving the highest percentage of 'yes' votes.

Now, contrast this with the closest existing thing to a global meta-constitution, the UN Declaration of Universal Human Rights. It's filled with a lot of very nice language about freedoms to this and freedom of that, all rather pleasing if dull to read. There is nothing there to immediately excite distress, though buried at the bottom is an item that allows any and all of those human rights to be revoked if they conflicted in any way with the UN ... an unsurprising condition, given that the document was composed by a small group of thinkers acting at the behest of powerful men, entirely without the consultation of the people it was meant (symbolically, at least) to apply to.

Now, just creating such a thing wouldn't, in and of itself, guarantee it's enforcement. Not directly, at least, and not at first. For a very long time - years, perhaps, but more likely decades - it would be nothing but some pages on the web. But the project could grow, perhaps to the point of millions around the world actively collaborating on the project, with billions more aware of it (and free to jump in whenever and wherever they felt.) The mere act of participating would raise consciousness about our rights in responsibilities in a global state, and that would in turn lend the project a moral weight that would eventually make it impossible to ignore, a global constitutionalist movement that one way or another would need to be confronted. Eventually, it could become the central text of an ideology of freedom and rule of law that pervades the world.

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