Sunday, March 9, 2008

The Fox Walk

Now this is just fascinating, one of those things that once you come across it, makes a hell of a lot of sense.

“Our walk is devastating, not natural. Little babies have shoes like cement boots. Our feet are ruined from the first step we take in shoes.” Walking barefoot, most of us naturally adopt a very different step: the knees are bent, rather than locked; the outside ball of the foot touches the ground to test it first, before applying any weight; then, if it’s safe, we roll the rest of the ball in and flatten the heel; only then does the weight come down. This is what Tom Brown and his students called “fox walking.”

The author makes pretty big claims for the benefits of walking barefoot: increased health and wellness, thanks both to a more natural posture and a synaesthetic connection to the natural world.

I think I'll try this....

But not at work.

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Where Does Oil Come From?

Ever stop and ask yourself what the experimental evidence is for the fossil fuel theory? I did, a few years back, and so I did the logical thing and did some poking about online. I soon found that the Russians had asked themselves that same question, many decades ago, and they had found the fossil fuel theory to be about as scientific as phlogiston. They developed an abiotic (ie non-biological) theory of oil's origins, one in which oil is produced from naturally occurring chemicals deep in the earth, under high pressures and temperatures, and then carried up to the crust. The vast Russian oil industry is the practical application of the abiotic theory.

We're lied to about so much in this sick society - about everything from JFK to global warming - that it's easy to forget things ... even things as vital as the truth about oil, and about how much we have left:

The good news is that panic scenarios about the world running out of oil anytime soon are wrong. The bad news is that the price of oil is going to continue to rise. Peak Oil is not our problem. Politics is. Big Oil wants to sustain high oil prices. Dick Cheney and friends are all too willing to assist.

The geopolitical consequences of this deliberate deception about the truth of oil? Huge.

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Saturday, March 8, 2008

Benjamin Fulford: The Reason America Was Bankrupted

First posted 06 March 08

Why is America being smashed, and the world changed? That's a question I get a lot.

However in actuality America isn't being smashed; it's just bankrupt for the moment, and this is a chance to change the American state. America has 4% of the world's population, over 20% of it's GDP, and accounts for 50% of the world's military expenditures. That army is controlled by evil powers, powers that no matter what want to provoke WWIII.

If America is temporarily bankrupted, they'll be but in the place of having no choice but to listen to what the rest of the world has to say. In the 20th century the powers that occupy America murdered 200 million people. This is our chance to ensure even more people aren't slaughtered.

On the occasion of America's reorganization following its bankruptcy, we can offer them capital to maintain their crumbling national infrastructure ... and then, that's our chance to organize the UN security council to match the organization of all mankind. The Pentagon can then be organized to counter poverty and environmental destruction.

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Benjamin Fulford: Does America Have Nanotech Weapons?

First posted 07 Mar 08

I was contacted by a personage believed to have a relationship with the CIA, and heard that America has top secret nanotech weapons. He didn't give me anything detailed, but the intention conveyed to me, and my own speculation, is that he wanted this to be passed on to China, essentially to threaten other countries.

I don't think such a weapon could be practically put to use. Most likely this is an attempt, in the midst of national bankruptcy, to strengthen their negotiating power while trying to create a new world order. There should be a concrete discussion, rather than violence.

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Benjamin Fulford: About the Personal Affairs Troubles of the Bank of Japan President

First posted 08 Mar 08

On the underside of the Bank of Japan President problem is a fight over Japan's future.

The fight is between two factions: on the one side there's the Mitsubishi UFJ Bank - whose logo is a a Freemasonic symbol - a faction that wants to hand over Japan's money to shadowy foreign powers; on the other, those that want to use Japan's money to revive Japan.

Somehow or other the likes of Mr M. and Mr W., working for powers that are plotting to murder 4 billion people around the world, have to be stopped. Japan's money should be used to realize a mature world, one where there is no poverty or environmental destruction.

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Monday, March 3, 2008

Benjamin Fulford: Rumors of the Owner of Rolls Royce Naniwa No. 4444

First posted 03 Mar 08

A few days ago after I finished a TV show in Osaka, a black Rolls Royce with Naniwa Number 4444 appeared in front of my taxi, twice. According to an acquaintance's information, this appeared to be the property of the Yamaguchi Gang.

Also last week, when the show was over I head to a coffee shop I always use for business, two guys who looked like they were from an underground organization were sitting diagonally across from me. I could clearly see what looked to be a pistol in the jacket pocket of one of them, so I pretended to have forgotten something and promptly left the shop.

I do not remember, nor do I plan on, ever causing offense to the Yamaguchi Gang. Rather, I've been suggesting to the Japanese government that that Yamaguchi Gang could make ten times as much as they are now by engaging in first class, superior enterprises. If the Yamaguchi Gang wants to kill me, I'd like for them to tell me the reason first. If I agree I'll commit seppuku myself.

If this is a request from shadowy foreign powers to have me slaughtered, I'd like them to think twice. Foreign underworld powers are sucking money out of Japan, impoverishing the country. They're plotting to murder 4 billion people. Japan will lose 70 million people, and the plan for the rest of us is to treat us like livestock. I'd like for those powers to consider the morality of the work they've undertaken.


First Posted 05 Mar 2008

Sorry About the Blog Post the Other Day

The other day I posted "Rumors of the Owner of Rolls Royce Naniwa No. 4444", and then I suddenly removed it. Sorry about that. I decided to pull the post after talking with an authorized individual. The consequence of the talk is that I'm no longer worried my life is being aimed at. I can't say in detail but a settlement was reached through discussion. This is a backroom deal, with no exceptions. For removing the post with no explanation, and causing such a fuss, I offer my deepest apologies.

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Sunday, March 2, 2008

Blog Fiction: Installments 2 and 3 of The Extinction War

Extinction War 1.2: Keep Out and 1.3: Signs and Portents are up. Go check 'em out.

The media was already out in force, a dense swarm of chipped dragonflies buzzing around the battlefield, relaying all they saw to the world’s hundreds of millions of hungry eyes. Doctrine was not to bother fighting them; media swarms could prove troublesome from an operational secrecy standpoint, but the military could devise no better way of gathering information. Before long the swarm would exhaust the site of all immediate interest, and disperse, some fanning out across the jungle in search of whatever they might find, others departing for nearby battles (of which there were several ongoing at any given moment, at this stage in the campaign.) Only a few stragglers, the platoon’s fan-base and self-appointed civilian scout force, would remain.

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Clear Channel vs Napster: What's the Real Reason For the Copyright War?

I remember two formative events, spaced a couple of years apart, that have forever since colored my feelings about music.

The first was when I was 16 or 17, a school-day like any other which started with me getting on the school bus. Now, we had a cool bus driver, who let the kids choose the radio station we listened to as we all got carted off to the local indoctrination facility. There was none of this nonsense about making the kids listen to crappy country and western music, like the heartless sadists that chauffeured some of my friends. Bill was not like them. He was good people.

There was never any question of what we wanted to listen to. This was out in the sticks, and there weren't many radio stations. There was only one, in fact, that played the kind of music that we wanted to hear, a station broadcasting from across the border called Z-Rock that put out a lineup of all the great alternative music out there in the 90s: Nirvana, Marilyn Manson, the Smashing Pumpkins, Nine Inch Nails, Radiohead, Rage Against the Machine, Pearl Jam, Soundgarden, White Zombie, the Stone Temple Pilots; this was the character of the sound track that accompanied us on the way to the lockup.

That fateful day, I got on that bus and found myself listening to Britney Spears. Surely, I felt, this must be some sort of mistake. This saccharine pop was the kind of 'music' that clueless 13 year old girls listened to, not the socially aware hard rock that stirred the hearts of post-pubescent teens. "What the hell is this?" I said. "Change it back to 106.7"

"This is 106.7", the bus driver said, apologetically. "But it's not Z-Rock."

That was my first encounter with Clear Channel Communications, though it was not for years afterwards that I found out it was they who had eaten the only live link I had to new music. Sure, there was still the classic rock station coming down from the north, and they played some good stuff. But it wasn't the same.

Fast-forward a couple of years. Now I'm 19, in university, with a computer, an internet connection, and thus - a couple of months into my first year - Napster. After so long without a ready way of discovering and listening to new music, I jumped like a starved pig into a bathtub filled with lasagna; I damn near filled my hard-drive within a month or two, grabbing every track I could. Napster was like some glorious gift from the internet gods, a way to discover and listen to music without having to either pay for it, or wait for it to be served up to you. It combined everything that was great about radio with everything that was great about a store.

A year later, when it was torn down due to copyright violations, I vented to all around me my towering rage against the short-sighted and petty stupidity of the RIAA. It echoes on to this day ... though I'm no longer sure that stupidity is the whole reason Napster was taken down. Oh, stupidity plays a part, of that there can be no doubt; entrenched interests of every industry have historically been jealous of their perceived rights, and fail to perceive the obvious society-level benefits of new technologies that threaten their small domains. This time around, there is no doubt a great deal of the blame for the past several years of legal battles and bad legislation can be laid at the feet of record company executives caught blinking and unprepared in the harsh headlights of the approaching singularity.

Well, it explains a great deal - enough that out of disgust I've long since vowed never to buy CDs, unless it's at the show and directly from the artist - but it doesn't explain it all the way.

Think on this, those of you who used Napster (a lot, I expect). The crackdown on the network was justified due to the 'theft' of songs by stars like Metallica and Madonna, high-performing market-saturating money whores to the record industry. But how often did you, yourself, bother downloading tracks by them? You likely already owned them, anyways, and even if you didn't all you had to do to hear them was turn on the radio. Songs like that were everywhere. No, I'm willing to bet you used the network to find the long-tail stuff: DJ mix tapes, jam band recordings, grateful dead bootlegs, live recordings of obscure Scandinavian death metal bands doing the sort of heinous things on stage they have become the stuff of terrible eldritch myth. The things you couldn't find anywhere else, save by accessing a network where you could trade music with tens of millions of others. Stuff you couldn't buy if you wanted to, because stores didn't carry it.

Music like that likely accounted for a majority of the traffic on the network. To be honest I don't know for sure, but an informal and very unscientific poll of my friends and acquaintances has so far revealed no one who mostly, or even really at all, searched for big label music. So I don't think monetary losses due to copyright infringement are the whole reason Napster was attacked.

No, it was realized that corporate control over music was threatened, and steps were taken to deal with that threat.

By the time Napster came along, the music industry was dominated by a handful of companies: marketing was handled by MTV and Clear Channel, distribution by the major labels, access to live shows by Ticketmaster. You notice what happened as Clear Channel sewed up the radio market? Suddenly you couldn't hear decent music anywhere. Where once the airwaves had been full of wild rock music and sullen gangsta rap, music that spoke (and often screamed) from the heart about problems in society that cried out for solution ... now, there was the candy-land fantasy of pop music, where no problems were more pressing than being jilted in love or unable to find anything to watch on your expensive big-screen TV. Were we suddenly to believe that the musical tastes of a whole nation had changed as though overnight, that a country full of individualists had suddenly decided they preferred sugary pop tunes to real music?

Well, hell, that's what I thought. That's what almost everyone seemed to think, and joke about in a bitchy sort of way. Funny thing, though. As popular as pop music apparently was, I almost never encountered anyone who liked it. Quite the opposite: most anyone I met, regardless of whether we liked the same music, loathed pop.

So Clear Channel takes over the radio stations, and suddenly it's all pop, all the time. People hate it, but it's what's on the radio or on the TV, so a lot of them grit their teeth and listen to it. The marketing psychology boys no doubt predicted that, with total control over radio and TV, the tastes of an entire nation could be very effectively molded: if all they hear is pop music, then before long they'll be humming it to themselves without realizing it, and eventually deciding they rather like it, and buying it and listening to it all the time. This has other benefits beyond simply profits: if the majority of the population is listening to canned, manufactured music, their mental states can be very effectively manipulated.

Music isn't just a commodity that you buy. It's an art that shapes the subconscious background of your life, exerting a subtle but powerful influence over your mental state. Anyone who loves music knows this, because that power is why you love it. It hijacks your auditory cortex and reprograms your brain, and that can be a lot of fun. Or it can be a powerful tool for altering your consciousness: calming you, consoling you, pumping you up, helping you work things out.

Or, if someone gains total control over the music you listen to, a powerful lever of control. The music, after all, carries a message, one that bypasses reason and speaks directly to the emotions. They - the They that comes with a capital (because They have so much capital) - came very close to gaining control over that weapon. If it hadn't been for Napster (and the fragmented offspring that sprung up in it's shadow), They would have succeeded. They would have convinced an entire nation that the music it liked best - and by extension the mental state they most often occupied - was as superficial as a mannequin, devoid of emotional or intellectual depth, devoted only to the maintenance of a smiling and unthinking optimism. Musical prozac for the depressed national soul; you can't help but wonder whether it'd be as toxic as the real thing.

They've tried anyways, and met with limited success. The labels converted into producing as much pop as they could, and the product was pushed aggressively on the airwaves. Much of the population, rarely venturing beyond the noob sea of the internet that is MSN and Yahoo and AOL, never got the hang of the whole file sharing thing, were admonished that it was illegal and dangerous, and were thus kept as a captive audience to seduce (those who didn't simply turn off the radio altogether and just stick to their CD collections).

Peer-to-peer distribution networks, however, have done much to undermine the corporate control of the musical landscape. Virtually no one under 30 pays much attention at all to what's on the radio. We find new music with MySpace and HypeMachine and Google, and we acquire virtually all of it over file-trading networks. We're barely aware of the soundtrack that's been written for our lives, and as a result we're not marching in neat ranks like we should be. Instead we're dancing in the streets, grinning like fools, and cheerfully flipping them off whenever they glower at us. Frankly, it is both unseemly and unsettling to Them, and so is it any wonder that They will not hear reason on the subject?

The success of file-sharing has been up until now a largely victorious front in the on-going shadow war against Them, undermining a small but significant part of their plan. The damage it inflicts isn't just monetary - though that alone makes it a powerful weapon of resistance - it's also psychological, even spiritual. It attacks Their very reason for being, for it shows that with the internet, we can make Them as unnecessary and irrelevant as They plan to make us.

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This is from Galaxy Dynamics, who have a very cool DVD out with supercomputer animations of galaxy collisions and cosmic evolution set to music. The one below is the formation of a supercluster. Enjoy.

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Benjamin Fulford: I've Got a Newly Published Book For Sale

First posted 02 March 08

On sale next week! A new book by Benjamin Fulford,

The Dismantling of Japan (Seishun Shinsho: Intelligence)

"The widening gulf between rich and poor, the pension problem, and regions left to neglect,"who is weakening this country?

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Saturday, March 1, 2008

Benjaming Fulford: I Think Japan Should Emply Hollywood

First posted 01 March 08

For a long time, a great number of Hollywood screenwriters went on strike. In the end the strike reached an impasse when funds ran out, but as to the true feelings of the screenwriters, I have a feeling they have heretofore sealed stories and information they'd like to share with us.

I think it would be good for Japan to use it's untouched foreign reserves and employ those screenwriters in the work of telling the truth to all mankind. This would lead to an enhancement of Japan's economy, it would also become a development of mankind.

At present 5 percent of Hollywood's budget comes from the Pentagon. Movies are being made that provoke war and murder people. In actuality, most Hollywood movies contain scenes in which guns are used to murder people in the name of justice.

Hollywood is bedridden. However, I expect that Asia's abundant traditional cultures can give birth to as many stories as you want. How about if instead, they protected nature and peace, and gave us movies that reminded us that all humankind lives on the same planet.

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Benjamin Fulford: The Truth of the Livedoor Incident

First posted 28 Feb 2008

I met the former administration of Livedoor. I talked with them, and I believe what came out to be the truth of the situation.

The Yakuza were investing a lot of money in Livedoor, buying various enterprises. One element within the Yakuza had connections with the Illuminati. Their ultimate aim was to purchase the Fuji Sankei Group, with the goal of enabling the brainwashing of the Japanese people. However, through the protection the patriots of the Asian secret society gave to Japan, the threat was driven off. I support that society.

This is pretty interesting if true. Interesting, but not surprising. Livedoor was a huge scandal, kind of like a Japanese Enron, in which a lot of people lost a lot of money. Stock market scams like that are amongst the Them's favorite tactics for undermining a country's economy.

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Friday, February 29, 2008

The Extinction War

I've got a new fiction project, The Extinction War, which I'm putting up for free (naturally). I'll be posting a new part every day or so.

Without giving too much away, it's a coming of age story set in the near future, the tale of a handful of extraordinary youths finding their way in the midst of the last war mankind shall ever fight, a war in which rapidly evolving technologies vie with apocalypse; regardless of which force wins, what emerges when the dust clears will not be human.

Here's a taste:

Steve killed for the first time the day after he joined the army.

There had been no delay for training, or even to be outfitted and shipped off to a far foreign country. That was the beauty of the Telepresence Cavalry: the Pentagon could cherry-pick their recruits from the nation’s top gamers, already as well-trained and combat ready as they’d ever be thanks to years of pretend violence. The robots they’d be riding herd on, meanwhile, were already in the battlespace, packed up tight inside ground effect carriers floating off the coast, just a short flight from deployment.

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Thursday, February 28, 2008

Benjamin Fulford: Ways to Breathe New Life Into Japan

You can send Ben Fulford money by PayPal now. I take it if you email him he'll tell you how to proceed:

Oh, and he's going to be selling his books online.

Now to the news:

First posted 27 Feb 2008

In present-day Japan, with a single group of winners excluded, their are a lot of people whose livelihood is in trouble. The current government doesn't have any ways to help them. However, I don't think helping them is all that difficult of a problem.

Japan, as a nation, lacks an overall goal. If first of all a goal is created, and people are inspired towards that goal, every problem would be settled.

As for one proposal, it would be a good thing for Japan to be the world's top country in every field. Japan's $6 trillion of foreign currency reserves, currently pickling in salt, could be put to use employing capable minds from around the world to find ways of giving Japan it's genki* back.

For instance, I think it would be great to make Japan the number one country in the world for harmony with nature. The Japanese cedars that occupy 5 percent of Japan's soil - and choke the life from the forests - should all be logged and sold as lumber to China. After logging the cedar animals would be able to return to a hospitable natural ecosystem. Then the concrete that buries the rivers of the metropolises could be broken, and those rivers turned into flowing gardens full of fish and small animals.

Up until now, Japan has been sacrificing nature to development. As to the goal of Japan from here on out, if Japan could work as much as possible towards augmenting life on Earth, that would be wonderful. On top of that, it would also be good to aim for a prosperous life.

* Genki is a Japanese word that's hard to translate directly into English. Pep, energy, spirit, vitality, those sorts of meanings to it, but the word's even used in greetings.

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Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Thoughts on A New World Order

We all know that nightmare, right? A One World Government with the world divided up into semi-autonomous economic zones, controlled by a single central bank with single currency for all, with everyone under constant surveillance and ... well, like I said, you all know the nightmare.

So, here's the thing: what if it doesn't have to be a nightmare? Allow me to play devil's advocate (hey, it's what I do).

You know, a single world government is probably inevitable, at some point. Instant communications and high-speed transportation can't help but weave the world more closely together, and that sort of process only leads in one direction. But what if the government that emerged on the other side was a democratic republic, one that gave every citizen a voice and inalienable rights? The dream (well, my dream) would be a parliamentary population, an ongoing global senate in which every citizen is a senator, able to vote not just for people but for treaties, for laws, for regulations. People often sneer at the idea of individual people being given the same say in legislative matters as are elected officials (though not so often as they used to, I've noticed....) The fact is, that if the people could decide the law for themselves, most of the problems that plague society would vanish rapidly.

The War in Iraq? Over, and years ago. Ditto Afghanistan. The War on Terror as well. The War on Drugs would in all likelihood have been history a decade ago, and would certainly be over today. The tax code would be marvelously simplified, as there is no question but that a series of arcane tomes longer than most encyclopedias is universally despised and feared more than any text since the Necronomicon.

Problems of political corruption would be greatly ameliorated as well. Bribing a few congressmen is one thing; bribing the entire population, quite another. Even a bribe that amounted to just a few hundred dollars a head would quickly run into the hundreds of billions. Should any group come to feel that such a bribe is necessary, the bribing would at least have the virtue of being a very public thing, rather than the furtive scrambling that takes place now.

Oh, yes, and one other (and very important) thing: participatory democracy would be very resistant against the psychopathic personality types that currently dominate the legislative houses of the world (not to mention the governments of almost every previous society). Psychopaths are, after all, only 1% of the population, and in a direct democracy they would be greatly outnumbered.

A virtual democracy might seem an impossible dream, but achieving it would be surprisingly easy. All it would take would be a repudiation of the serving government (on the grounds of numerous actions voiding the constitutional contract), and the signing of an alternate constitution that at first will apply to a sort of virtual state. New, virtual laws, existing in parallel to the existing legal structures but not yet in force, are then created in a wiki-congress composed of anyone who signs the contract. As the body of virtual law grows, attention will naturally be drawn to it, at first as a curiosity if nothing else. The evident sanity of the virtual law, in comparison with the rampant contradictions, injustices, and outright abuses of the existing code will become apparent to many, and implicit in that sanity the wisdom of direct democracy will impress itself into the minds that see it.

Now, the great thing about a virtual democracy is the scalability of it, it's almost fractal nature. The challenge to the current system doesn't have to be direct, not at first. Start by applying the philosophy at small scales - neighborhood associations, unions, clubs, and corporations. Think of this as planting seeds in the polity's connective tissue. Once participatory governance has begun to pervade the background of life, a push could be made to bring urban governments under a similar system of governance, in effect chewing giant political holes in the organs of the state. From there, it's a smooth (though possibly more abrupt than expected) progression towards a global democracy that hollows out the pre-existing control grid until the brittle shell finally cracks and what I like to call the demosphere is born.

Until time travel is invented, I won't be able to go back to the Cretaceous and hunt dinosaurs, and none of you will be able to turn back the clock to the constitutional order of 1776. That contract was publicly broken and discarded by the elites back in 2000, and what lip service it's received since has been increasingly strained. Of late, it's grown perfunctory and often downright sarcastic. So, it's gone and done with; best it be laid aside as a memory cherished by all who love freedom, for a memory it has become. Memories can be learned from, but they cannot inspire, for inspiration requires vision ... and a vision that inspires the masses to take their destinies into their own hands might spur change faster than any of us imagine possible.

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Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Benjamin Fulford: Is American Debt Waste Paper?

First Posted 25 Feb 2008

Recently information's been reaching my ears from various places that America might be thinking of declaring Force Majeure.

Regarding it's present debt which has climbed to roughly 1.2 trillion dollars, were it to be announced that it could not be physically repaid, the countries of Asia and the Near and Middle East might be given to understand that they aren't going to get paid.

But if such a reckless thing was done the country will call America would collapse in an instant. The natural thing would be for an international meeting to be held, at which the system in place ever since 1945 would be yanked, and the debt forgiven ... but before that could be done, America would have to make a promise to never again wage aggressive war, and to eternally bend all efforts towards removing poverty, environmental destruction, and war from the Earth. Following that, with the new capital that would enter the country, the Pentagon would have to restructure in order to develop countermeasures against poverty and environmental destruction.

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Benjamin Fulford: Special Discussion at the World Forum Lecture

First posted 25 Feb 2008

The World Forum Lecture to be held on February 29 is to feature Yumi Kikuchi (a Japanese blogger), along with the daughter - and private secretary - of the Democratic Party's Yukihisa Fujita (ed: he's the guy who gave the 9/11 presentation in the Diet). Oh, yes, and I'll be there too.

As Mr. Yukuhisa is on business overseas, his daughter has been entrusted with a message and is coming in his stead. He's planning on letting us know the real intentions behind the questions that raised misgivings about 9/11 in the Diet.

See you there!

Kikuchi Yumi
World Forum Lecture

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Monday, February 25, 2008

Benjamin Fulford: Exposing 9/11 With the Cooperation of European Politicians

First posted 23 Feb 2008

Japan's politicians are gradually beginning to realize the truth about 9/11.

Through Yukuhisa Fujita's presentation in the Diet, recognition of what America did on 9/11 is spreading through other Diet members. From here on the Democratic Party (ed: the Japanese Democratic Party, or Minshuto) would like to advance a cooperative plan: in concert with Europe, to demand of America that those factions that were related to 9/11 are eliminated.

By the way, the Diet members are focusing on the criminals of 9/11, the defense contractors and oil interests. Most of the diligent American military was tricked by the Pentagon, and has no relation to the matter.

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Benjamin Fulford Bleg

Daaaamn! A few days of no internet/not being home so much has me behind a bit. It doesn't help that Fulford's been busier than usual these past few days.

Oh, and by the way, Fulford wrote a long post asking for money. I didn't have the energy to translate it at the time (4 days ago) and I don't feel like translating it now, given as there are six newsy posts to get through. At any rate, if anyone reads this and feels like tossing Fulford a few bucks - gathering information like he does costs money, after all, and most of the books he wrote over the past year were panned by critics and bounced by bookstores (a few not even published), so of he's been tight for cash recently - given all that, if you want to help him out a bit here are the relevant details:

Bank of Tokyo Mitsubishi-UFJ, Koenji Branch
Account Number 0724149

Dude really should get a tip-jar.

update: The readers responded fast....

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Thursday, February 21, 2008

Benjamin Fulford: The Self Defense Force's Careless Manner

Originally Posted 20 Dec 2008

The case of the Aegis cruiser hitting a fishing boat is just a bit too much for a massive lack of common sense. Approaching within 20 km - visible range of Tokyo Bay - in a spot where there are all sorts of small fishing boats, whatever were the watchers doing?

Questions are being asked about what the Self Defense Force itself should be. Due to things like this, there's extreme worry in this time that the organization can protect the country from invasions.

On top of this, it took over 90 minutes - far too slow - for the information about this incident to reach the Prime Minister, raising questions about SDF morals as well. Memories of last year's missile procurement scandal are still new but, in practicality it's not just North Korean missiles, but little fishing boats that can't be stopped.

"Aegis Cruiser Missile Ambush": What's on the Other Side of Reports of Success?

First posted 20 Dec 2007

A few days ago reports came in that a Naval Self Defense Force Aegis cruiser successfully ambushed a missile.

The circumstances would have been completely different if this was, indeed, an experiment. In the case of a test, time and place would have been accurately communicated, and this was not in fact the case.

In the first place America is using North Korea as an accomplice. Taepodongs are being launched in order to palm off some missiles on Japan. It'd be nice to know how much of that one trillion yen [about 10 billion dollars] is bribe money in the pocket of the officials (ed: I'm guessing there. He said sensei-tachi, but I'm pretty sure he's not talking about Ms. Sumiko who teachers 3rd graders.)

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